Watch Online / The Range Terror (1925)
Desc: The Range Terror: Directed by William James Craft. With Bob Custer, Anastasia Georgina Kissel, Claire de Lorez, William Barrymore. Having been robbed and mortally wounded during a blinding snow storm, Bud Allen lives long enough to give a description of his assailant to Texas Ranger Speed Meredith. Sometime later, when Speed prevents a holdup of the Goldville stage, he meets Bud's sister, Virginia, for whom he feels both sympathy and love. When Speed begins to suspect a professional gambler named Reagan of Bud's murder, he arranges for Virginia to pose as a saloon entertainer in order to help him produce evidence of the gambler's guilt. Virginia discovers Bud's money belt among Reagan's possessions, and Speed then positively identifies Reagan by stripping off the gambler's glove and disclosing the absence of a finger as described by Bud. Speed and Reagan fight, setting fire to the saloon. Reagan escapes and is torn to pieces by Bud's dog. Speed decorates the dog with a ranger badge and asks Virginia to enter into partnership with him on a permanent basis.